Mis tardes de tertulia: From Heaven

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Checking my e-mail, now I realize I’m dead. Never got so many mails from friends. David tells me he would like to see me in his sister’s birthday party, Ben wants to watch a movie with me, Susan wanna tell me something she dind’t have courage to say before; my mum wonders why I kept that fucking job, I was paid so badly…And my wife, she thinks about dead and muder, she believes death penalty is not enough for them. Those terrorrists. Terrorist, what a extrange word to be pronuonced from such sweet lips.

A eternity ago, checking my mail, as usual, I should have been killed. That’s what they paid me for: the lazy tasks of deleting ads and sending randon messages to all that people I knew and I never called to. I went back to work because they tell me it was safe, and I was too lay-back to doubt, so I went in again. It was normal for me not to think what I was told, simply moving mechanically following the stream. That easy death is.

I never heard of a damned second plane, or about Al Quaeda, or about a fucking huge skyscraper with a pudding consistenciy. I only heard the explosions, and only saw the fire. The rest is the task of the world to figure out.

But here I am, or I am not, receving unlimited messages that I can answer not, and people thinking about me instead of my death. Nobody cares how I was dead, only the fact that I’m not alive. So superflous now, I think.

I wish they would write to me before, I when I still existed, though not for them.

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